Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall & Holiday sched + past & future to-do

I think I'm going to make it. Um, maybe. A lot has happened since my last post and many preparations are underway for future events. Here's a summary:
behind me:
1. Got a Virtuous Baby Quilt with instructions and photos off to Crafty Planet for their upcoming book: Crafty Planet Goes Green.
2. Send the remainder of my fringe belts to a sweet little shop of "handmade, eco, misc" in Brisbane, Australia called nook. Hope to get some edged belts to them before too long.
4. Experimented with making skirts with drawstring backsides for those who might be tentative about wrap skirts. Anyone want to weigh in on this issue?
4. Adapted (somewhat), with the help of sewing machines borrowed from my dear friends Birdi and Rowan, after my Bernina broke down last Tuesday. It's fixed now and I'm picking it up tomorrow.
5. Acquired a great pair of display racks at Mainly Vintage in
White River Junction "it's not so bad!", VT.
6. Sold aprons, skirts, key fobs and belts at the Fashion and Accessories Extravaganza in the SEABA tent as part of Burlington's South End Art Hop. The STRUT fashion show followed in the same tent: A wonderful diverse group of very creative VT designers, including Gyllian Svenson of The Bobbin, Ava Bishop, and the very adorable and serious furry black-strapless dress clad fifth-grader, Rebecca Berlind of reBecca reWear and her brilliant leg bands. So fun to see all the fashion collections on the beautiful and expressive models. Can't wait for STRUT 5!
7. Got artist statement and bio plus images for poster, etc. off to Art on Main in Bristol for my upcoming show there (October 1 - November 13) with none other than the inimitable genius painter of Wolcott, Vermont, Jess Graham.

8. on the Langdell-Green homestead big harvests of squash, carrots, onions, corn, and beets are underway. If you want to see more pics you can friend me on facebook (Sarah O. Green) and view my growing "harvest 2009" photo album and be subject to other foibles of my personal life (snore).

ahead of me:
1. finish designing and ordering new business cards
2. sand, paint and hinge display units and print & assemble portfolio for Art on Main show.
3. figure out Mail Chimp and put out first e-newsletter.
4. Pick up Bernina from Buzz and sew, sew, sew! I feel so behind on production. belts, key fobs, skirts, and aprons all desperate for restocking. That's what I get for taking on a vending event every weekend.
5. Undergo a product development session experimenting new reconstructed tops for ladies. Plenty of long back (and front) ties, mixed up fabrics and who-knows-what are swirling in my head. I really do wonder what will come out of this.
6. Case out a few shows to possibly do next year.

My fall and holiday vending schedule will be more reasonably paced. Though now that I look at it, if seems almost thin. Here's what I have lined up so far:

Sept 26 Norwich Farmers Market, Norwich, VT
Oct 2 Reception at Art on Main, Bristol, VT
Oct 17 Norwich Farmers Market, Norwich, VT
Nov 21 Wellspring School Holiday Faire, Chelsea VT
Nov 28-20 Women's Festival of Crafts, Burlington, VT
Dec 5-6 Burklyn Arts Council Holiday Market, Lyndonville, VT
Dec 12 ?? Norwich Holiday Market ?? If someone cancels, maybe I'll get a spot. You never know.

Keeping my head above water.

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